Other COVID Studies
Other COVID Studies
We identified 565 psychological studies that collect data from human subjects and created an interactive visualization of the 376 studies with the most complete information publicly available. Details are available in this Table (summary of COVID studies). A snapshot of the plot is shown below and you may click here to see the interactive figure in a separate window.

Studies were excluded from the figure if a) no website was available with additional information, b) sample size was unclear, c) follow-up frequency was unclear, d) foreign website, or e) it was redundant with another study in the table.
Studies are plotted along two axes: the horizontal axis is the number of domains assessed which indicates the richness of the measures, while the vertical axis is the average follow-up frequency which indicates the density of the data collection. Random jitters along two axes were introduced to better separate the studies.
In addition, for each circle the size of each circle represents the study sample size (in log scale), color of the circle indicates if data is collected within or outside of the US (US in orange, others in grey) and opacity indicates if the study included tasks (opaque for studies with tasks, transparent for ones without tasks).
Use your mouse to explore the interactive figure, by using the tools in the upper right corner of the figure.