Teresa Lopez-Castro
Teresa Lopez-Castro
City College of New York: PTSD and alcohol/drug use
Dr. Lopez-Castro is a clinical psychologist and Assistant Professor at The City College of New York, City University of New York. She is interested in the mechanisms which connect traumatic stress to substance misuse and the advancement of integrative care for substance-related and mental health issues. She is the principal investigator of the Translational Research on Emotions, Addictions, and Trauma (TREAT) laboratory at CCNY. The TREAT lab incorporates affective and social cognitive neuroscience to the investigation of how effective treatments for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and substance use disorders create lasting change. Dr. Lopez-Castro is currently researching how to tailor PTSD and opioid use disorder treatments to people who inject drugs. Another line of her research involves employing statistical innovations to illuminate the diverse ways people change and recover from PTSD and substance use issues.